MLM: Turning a Profit on Your Investment

When we commence our MLM business, we are preoccupied with the thoughts of money making within a short period. But many hopes which we build in the air, are baseless and falsifying. Let's do a short study to know what a businessman requires to do before we come to know how to generate income quickly. Surf the internet websites to have the phone contacts of the franchises like blogging tips, McDonalds, GNC, Subway or a Verizon Wireless store. Ring those franchises up to get an idea of the time period required to get profit from your business. It is guaranteed that the answer must be more than two years; even some replies will be three or four years.

Ask the same question to any buddy of yours who is the proprietor of a construction business, convenient store or a nail salon, if you are reluctant to ask the franchises. You will get the same reply.

You can now argue that network marketing business is different. But it is a crazy idea to expect profit peeping out at the end of a week. If we don't think this way, we go ahead and think childishly that our company or sponsor is the culprit.

A survey done recently about a high traffic home business blog unveiled the result given below....the question was how quickly you are capable of turning a profit in MLM business.

1st month - 25%
2nd-3rd month - 44%
3rd-1year - 19%
1year-2 years - 15%
2-3 years - 0%

So the result shows that over 2/3 of the people polled think that they will be able to turn a profit within or less than 3 months. The real picture is different - less than 10% are capable of turning a period within that short period. Sometimes we get informed that many big MLMers see money as soon as they enter into a company. It is possible if those MLMers have brought lots of new recruits with them at the time of joining the business. An average networker like me and you and like the 95 % of MLMers should focus on the 3 months to a year category.

A new MLM business is quite different from a new franchise business. The former doesn't require a couple of years or more to turn a profit like the latter. Still not expecting anything before 3 to 12 months will relieve you from stress. The first 5 months should be used in covering the cost of monthly autoship product which is around $100, cost of buying leads or marketing which is around $100-200 each month. You make profit when your residual income is more than the money involved in marketing and autoship. But it will be foolish to think of recovering your capital in the business.

In short, you have to be pragmatic and practical. Remember that business is an unpredictable venture. You never know about the future. So instead of pondering over the thoughts of quick money making, work diligently to be showered with money in the future days! God bless you.

Tips From Blogging Mix

Tips On Maintaining And Keeping Your Blog Readers
The Art of Link Seduction
Increase Technorati Authority and Blog Ranking
Blogging Is Not Always About Writing
Blogging Mix - Quick News Update

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Do You Want to Know Why Blogging is so Popular?

If you haven't heard of blogging, you are probably living under a rock. There are many reasons why blogging is so popular these days, but the biggest reason is probably that blogging is so simple, and so accessible to everyone. Blogging Tips. Everybody wants to be heard - no matter who they are or what they think. We all have thoughts and opinions - and we are finally able to express those thoughts and opinions!

In the past, only people who understood the in's and out's of creating a website were able to get their thoughts, opinions, feelings, or interests in print. Now, anyone with access to a computer with an Internet connection can be set up and blogging in five minutes flat. If you don't have a computer in your home, you can visit your public library and blog. You can visit your friend's house and blog. You can go to an Internet caf? and blog. Students even blog from their computer classes during school hours! Everybody can blog, and that is why blogging is so popular today.

Blogging does not require a website. A domain name is not required. You do not need to know how to set up a webpage. All you need to know is how to type - and if you can even do that with two fingers - 'search and peck style' - you can blog. It really is that simple. If you want to set up a blog, just visit a site like Blogger at and set up a free account. It takes less than five minutes.

The wide variety of uses of a blog is another reason why blogging is so popular. If you want to keep a personal journal, you can do so with a blog. If you want to set up a way to keep family members in touch, a blog provides the answer. If you need to keep employees up-to-date on projects or company news, again a blog can provide you with a very simple, very fast way to do it. Visit Blogger and surf around and take a look at the things that people blog about! Every topic that you can imagine is there!

Blogging has become what newsgroups used to be - only instead of being accessible only through a newsreader or email blogs are accessible with any web browser, on any computer system that has an Internet connection - no membership required, and no fees to pay - unless you choose a blogging service that is fee based.

People who were unknown and unheard yesterday have a huge following today. People are interested in other people's thoughts and opinions - and even in the day-to-day events in their lives. As a global society, blogs offer us yet another method for sharing and exchanging information - no matter what the topic is.

Individuals have even learned to make money with their blogs. You can sell ad space if your blog is popular. You can also sign up with some of the blog advertising networks to find advertisers. Google AdSense is a popular way to profit from blogs. Another option is to promote affiliate products and services that are related to the content of your blogs. Some people have even figured out how to earn a living with their blogs! Is it any wonder why blogging is so popular?

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Weekend Link Love

Here are some great reads for you to enjoy. :)

  • Great Posts - Link Love Sunday
  • Lessons I’ve Learned About Networking
  • Elite Numbers Up For Grabs
  • Why It Is Better To Network With Non Probloggers
  • 34 Sites That Pay Bloggers To Blog
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